What to see in Mesa Island and Other Islands Around the Komodo National Park

Mesa Island is one of the islands in Indonesia. The island is located in the eastern part of Indonesia. To reach this island, people can go to Labuan Bajo and then reach the island by boat. The location of this island is between Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island as the place of Komodo National Park. It means that visiting Mesa Island can be done together with visiting the exotic national park. This is great chance to see the great life of local people living in Mesa Island. What to see in Mesa Island is about the local people as the traditional fishing island. Of course, it is also great chance to see the komodo dragons in the nature directly. It will be great to spend holiday for several days because there will be many things to explore in this area. There will be a lot of pleasure and great experience to get by spending time in this area. 

In this case, actually there are several things to find in Mesa Island. Tourists do not need to worry about what to see in Mesa Island since the islands can provide them with good experience. The island is specially known as the home of fishing village. Of course, it is a traditional fishing and this is why the people are also called as the sea gypsies. Local people mostly work as fishermen. This can be good thing to explore and it is one of the great things about What to see in Mesa Island. Tourists can see how the sea gypsies live. Their culture is also special. As sea gypsies, they adapt with the nature by having special house construction. The house is built some feet above the water surface. Even, the house located in the center of the island also has the same construction. Tourists will feel comfortable while visiting this island since the local people are nice and they always show good hospitality.

Of course, What to see in Mesa Island is not the only thing to get. There are Rinca Island and Komodo Island that become the home of prehistoric lizard named Komodo dragon. They are called as dragon because of their gigantic size compared to common lizard. Then, their special predicate as the prehistoric lizard makes them worthy to be called as dragon. The animal has survived for long time. Because of that, seeing them in the wild life will be great experience. There are many good spots to explore and see them in their habitat. Even, when they are lucky, visitors can see how the dragons hunting. After enjoying the exploration to find the komodo dragons, tourists can spend their time to enjoy the beauty of beach. Rinca Island can be great place to see the beautiful beach. There are also other island with beautiful beach. Diving and snorkeling is also possible to do. The marine life is well kept, so there are many fishes and other sea animals. Diving and snorkeling will be so special in the area of the Komodo National Park. These all can give great holiday experiences.
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