Effects of steroids can affect you

Effects of steroids can affect you

Are you intent on taking steroids to enhance your appearance? Do you have an idea of using steroids build bulging muscles? If any of it is the case, think again. Steroids may be famous for their ability to enhance performance but they are notorious for the side effects they trigger. While it is true that they can help in increasing lean muscle mass, muscle growth and decreasing body fat, taking them without any medical supervision can cause several complications. Many don’t feel the effect of steroids taking a toll on their body and realise about the damage done only after long-term chronic use. At that stage, it may not be a curable or treatable condition. Hence it is necessary to learn about the side effects caused by steroid abuse and long-term use of steroids.

Many a time, temporary illnesses may occur due to steroid intake but they are typically not serious issues. Taking steroid injections may cause redness and swelling at the site of injection. In the case of topical creams, skin irritation and itching can occur. Headaches, tingling sensation and drowsiness are common side effects of steroids. Other than that, there are a lot of problems that can manifest if steroids are taken without medical supervision.

Some of them are explained below,
  • Psychological issues: people consuming steroids frequently show signs of aggression, propensity for violence, irritability and recklessness. Some patients, reportedly, develop suicidal tendencies and mania. In a study, a certain number of steroids users were subjected to a lot of tests. The study did not show any immediate and direct relationship between steroid use and mental issues. However, another study showed that continuous steroid users faced several mental health issues and that many of them had a feeling of invincibility which points to the poor judgemental abilities of such people.
  • Steroid addiction: over the period, steroid users lose track of their limits and crave for more steroids leading to problems like addiction. This can also happen in case of patients who are prescribed steroids for medical conditions
  • Heart damage: several heart problems can occur after long-term chronic use. Many times, the size and structure of the walls of left ventricles are irreparably damaged by steroid abuse. This can lead to cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, and coronary heart disease. Also, irregularity in heart pumping may lead to severe heart attacks, cardiac arrests and seizures.
  • Gynecomastia: sometimes, steroids may cause the development of predominantly female features in male and vice versa. In the case of men, breast tissue development may occur leading to the development of breast in men. Testicular atrophy is also commonly found in such men
  • Masculinisation: in the case of women, it may lead to body hair growth and bulking up of muscles leading to male-like appearance. Also, it may cause hair loss leading to baldness.
  • Cancer
  • Kidney and liver problems
As it can be seen, there are a lot of risk factors associated with steroid use. Hence it is risky to administer it without a doctor’s advice.

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